Pan-African Union (PAU)

ALL-NEW-SCULPT PAU (Pan-African Union) troops - these are new to 15mm, having only been made previously in our old 25mm range; the PAU ground forces are equipped at low to mid-tech light infantry, generally without body armour and wearing either combat helmets or traditional soft jungle caps. In addition to being used as PAU forces, these figures also provide an excellent generic range of light infantry for your own backgrounds and settings.

  • SG15-P30


    SG15-P30    Pan-African Union (PAU) Quad with rider (in helmet) - one quad and rider, supplied as a multi-part kit in…



  • SG15-P25


    SG15-P25    Pan-African (PAU) Special Forces Mounted Scouts - 2 horses and 2 riders. All figures are in floppy …



  • SG15-P24


    SG15-P24    Pan-African (PAU) Special Forces squad B - 8 figures as 2 each of 4 sculpts - 3 with rifles, 1 with SAW…



  • SG15-P23


    SG15-P23    Pan-African (PAU) Special Forces squad A - 8 figures as 2 each of 4 sculpts - 3 with rifles, 1 with SAW…



  • SG15-P22


    SG15-P21    Pan-African (PAU) RAM Mortar teams, crews in Jungle Caps - 2 weapon teams each of mortar, baseplate and…



  • SG15-P21


    SG15-P21    Pan-African (PAU) Rotary HMG teams, crews in Jungle Caps - 2 weapon teams each of gun, mount and 2 crew…



  • SG15-P20


    SG15-P20    Pan-African (PAU) Command and Comms in Jungle Caps - 8 figures, 2 each of 4 different sculpts.  …



  • SG15-P19


    Pan-African Union SAWs and support weapons, troops in Jungle caps - 8 figures, 2 each of 4 poses - two SAW gunners (k…



  • SG15-P18


    Pan-African Union (PAU) Mounted Scouts in Jungle caps on terran-stock horses - pack contains 2 horses (different pose…



  • SG15-P17


    SG15-P17 Pan-African Union (PAU) Mounted Scouts on terran-stock horses - pack contains 2 horses (different poses)…



  • SG15-P16


    SG15-P16       Pan-African Union weapons teams with RAM mortars (2 teams each of mortar, baseplate and two crew…



  • SG15-P15


    SG15-P15       Pan-African Union weapons teams with Rotary Heavy Machineguns (2 teams each of gun, tripod mount…


