25mm Street Level

  • SL-01

    VEHICLE CREW SET: Commander (standing). Female crew (standing). Engineer/Driver with Toolbelt. Crewman sitting with map.…



  • SL-02

    CIVILIANS & COLONISTS PACK A: Male in t-shirt. Male in padded jacket. Female in padded jacket (all in standing/walking p…



  • SL-03

    PARAMEDIC RESPONSE TEAM: Doctor running. Nurse with medical kit. Driver/Guard with shotgun. 3 figures



  • SL-04

    COLONIAL SECURITY TEAM: 2 male. 1 female security officers in caps and jackets, with small arms. 3 figures



  • SL-05

    SWAT SPECIAL UNIT: three troopers in ballistic vests and caps: marksman with sniper rifle, kneeling trooper with grenade…



  • SL-06

    CIVILIANS & COLONISTS PACK B: Frontiersman/Desert Farmer with hat, pack and rifle; Male & Female Teenagers in Street clo…



  • SL-07

    PARTISANS/MILITIA: 4 citizens militia, freedom fighters, terroristS etc. (depending on your point of view) in civilian/i…



  • SL-08

    RIOTERS AND DEMONSTRATORS: Someone for the Riot Cops to hit with their big sticks... Males with long pole (fit your own …



  • SL-09

    COLLATERAL DAMAGE PACK: 4 small children (!) - all those targets/hostages/innocent bystanders you've always wanted for y…



  • SL-10

    RI0T COPS: 4 police troops In full riot gear, with big sticks; riot shieid may be cut from any Scrap clear plastic and a…



  • SL-11

    STREET COPS: 2 figures. 1 male and 1 female. in regular police uniforms. 2 figures



  • SL-12

    NEWS TEAM: Cameraman, a technician kneeling at an uplink terminal, plus two female reporters - a smartly-suited one for …


