By using this store you are agreeing to our PRIVACY POLICY and TERMS AND CONDITIONS which can be read by following these links


Earlier today, the store website was inaccessible for around 12 hours or so due to a technical issue - that is now all sorted and everything appears to be working fine once again, but given how close we are to the expiry date of the Discount Vouchers, if anyone was inconvenienced by the store down-time please get in contact with me and I'll be happy to extend your voucher code validity by a couple of days!

Jon (GZG), Thursday 30th January 2025.


A quick reminder to those of you who still have New Year Discount Codes to use - you've got just THREE DAYS left to get your orders in, all unredeemed codes expire at Midnight (UK time) on Friday 31st.... "Use it or Lose it", as they say!

I'm almost at the point of being able to resume accepting orders from the EU/EEA/NI, watch out for more details very soon...

Jon (GZG), Tuesday 28th January 2025.



I've just re-opened the Store as promised, and all the Discount Voucher Codes I sent out over the holiday break are now valid until the 31st of January. If you placed a qualifying order before Christmas and are therefore expecting a Voucher Code, please check your email - they all went out before New Year, so if you haven't seen it yet then please check your junk folders and spam filters - if you still can't find it, please drop me (Jon) a message. They have all been sent to the email addresses given in your orders, so if you think that yours might have been incorrect then please get in contact.

A couple of bits of good news for overseas customers - the Canadian Postal Strike is over and Royal Mail are once again accepting new mail for Canada, so I've been able to clear the outstanding orders I had for customers over there. Also, some potential developments on the EU/EEA/NI GPSR situation - more news to follow, but I think I'm well on the way to resolving matters so that I can once again start accepting orders from those areas soon!

As I mentioned in my last update, 2025 marks the 40th ANNIVERSARY of my trading as GZG (starting in 1985 with a few resin-cast 15mm vehicles and the "G-CAV" rules booklet) - watch this space for news on how I decide to mark this anniversary!

Keep well, keep safe, and have a good year of gaming!

Jon (GZG), Midnight, Sunday 5th January 2025.



I'm afraid that I've had to take the decision to suspend all EU/EEA/NI sales for the time being (as explained in my last update below), as I'm currently so busy that I simply haven't had enough time to sort out any alternative... the shipping option for these destinations will be turned off on the store either TONIGHT (30th Nov) or tomorrow morning (1st Dec). I'm hoping that this situation will be temporary and that I will be able to resume all sales sometime in the New Year, but for now I just can't run the risk of any parcels being turned back by Customs due to the newly-enforced regulations. All orders that have already been placed (and any last-minute ones that are made tonight before the options are disabled on the store) will of course be fulfilled, there should be plenty of time for them to be delivered before the deadline. Please keep an eye on further announcements here, as soon as the situation changes I will let you know.

Jon (GZG), Saturday 30th November 2024.


In common with a lot of small manufacturers and businesses, the coming introduction of the EU’s revised GPSR (General Product Safety Regulations) in early December has caught me by surprise - this apparently badly-thought-out and little-publicised piece of regulation, which appears to put almost impossible restrictions on micro-businesses selling in to the EU, the EEA and (amazingly) even Northern Ireland, has caught a lot of traders unaware and given us very little time to respond to it. A lot of small companies in the miniatures industry have already announced in the last few days that they will be suspending ALL sales to the affected regions, at least temporarily until the situation becomes clearer - I am currently still looking into the ramifications of all this (taking up time that I should be spending processing everyone’s orders…) and will advise further as soon as I’ve made some decisions - but for now, if you are in an EU or EEA country (or in NI) and want to get an order in to me, I STRONGLY recommend that you do it NOW (or very soon, which effectively means this week) rather than waiting!

Jon (GZG), Monday 25th November 2024.



AVAILABLE NOW - Five new pack codes - new Airborne Drones for Human-tech armies and for the Kra'Vak! All designed for 15mm, but (like almost all of our drones and remotes) equally useful for larger and smaller scales if you wish. For the human-tech side, there are three new drone types - V15-175 Medium Hoverfan Drones (which directly replaces the old V15-60A miniature), V15-176 Heavy Hoverfan Drones (a much larger twin-fan vehicle with multiple weapons hardpoints!) and V15-177 Medium Grav Drones (a higher-tech version of V15-175 for more advanced forces).

The Kra'Vak get some new attack drones, V15-181 (an all-new replacement for the old V15-81A mini), and a much heavier version with hardpoint missile systems, V15-182.

You can find all the new Drones listed in the "Latest Products" below, or go direct to them at the "Remotes, Drones and Bots" page HERE for the "human" types, or HERE for the Kra'Vak.

Jon (GZG), Wednesday 6th November 2024!


UPDATE 24th August: 27 NEW PACKS!

AVAILABLE NOW - 27 new pack codes have just been added to the store! Our little wheeled and tracked combat drones have always been very popular, and we now have some larger extended-hull versions with heavier weapons systems: six-wheeled, tracked and all-new hover (GEV) types, with each chassis variant having no less than NINE different weapon options - two different Autocannon types, a light AT cannon, Auto Grenade Launcher, VRF Railgun, Plasma Cannon, Laser Cannon, HMG and a SLAM multi-missile launcher! The wide variety of weapons systems allows you to choose whichever best fits your preferred tech level, force or army. You can find all the new packs listed in the "Latest Products" below, or go direct to them at the "Remotes, Drones and Bots" page HERE

Jon (GZG), Saturday 24th August 2024



I'm VERY happy to announce that the new, revised versions of the Moongrunt US Lunar Force Rovers are now available - the original resin-bodied kits have been replaced by new re-mastered ALL-METAL versions (thanks to the great 3D design work of "MMG"), which will get over the supply difficulties I had with the resin castings in the old versions; there should now be no more out-of-stock situations with these, as I can now produce them entirely in-house in whatever quantities are required. The new all-metal construction also allows more variation in the models, allowing me to release the new MG15-USV01C variant with the open "pick-up" rear section.

Two variants are currently available, the USV01A general-purpose type with full pressurized body, and the USV01C open-backed variant with pressurized "crew-cab". You can find them listed HERE and HERE respectively.

There will be at least one further variant of the US Rover available in the near future (a re-design of the old USV01B with the support weapon mounts), AND I hope to be able to re-release the CHINESE Moongrunt Rover models soon, also as re-worked all-metal designs with additional variants!

Jon (GZG), Friday 19th July 2024


UPDATE 15th July:NEW RELEASES! More Wheeled and Tracked Drone Variants...

I've just listed TEN new packs of 15mm small drones - five more variants each of the V15-169 (wheeled) and V15-170 (tracked) types, making EIGHT DIFFERENT variants of each in total!

The new releases comprise Sensor/Recon variants (an all-new version of the original V15-69C), plus more armed types with Medium MGs, Minigun Gatlings, Auto Grenade Launchers and multiple Micro-Missile Launchers. You can find them all via the "latest products" list below, or go directly to the 15mm Drones, Bots and Remotes category page here - they are all now in production and available for you to order!

More new releases to follow soon, please check back here for further info...

Jon (GZG), Monday 15th July 2024


UPDATE 8th May: NEW SG/DS TOKEN SETS plus re-stock of FT ARC RINGS!

I've just received new stocks of the Full Thrust Arc Ring acrylic templates, so these are once again available - plus an exciting ALL-NEW release, the first sets of FULL COLOUR PRINTED MDF TOKENS for use with STARGRUNT II, DIRTSIDE II and any other games using our "FMA system" engine! At the moment I have just a very limited trial run of the token sets, so grab them now if you want some...

The original die-cut sheets of card tokens/counters for our STARGRUNT II and DIRTSIDE II rules have been unavailable for a long while now, and we have had many requests to reprint them in some form; now I can offer these very useful sets of laser-cut MDF tokens printed in full colour, providing you with the most important on-table counters/markers for both the SGII and DSII rules - the Quality/Activation markers and the Confidence Level markers. These don't replace everything on the full SG/DS counter sets, but most of the other items on the original sheets can be quite easily made or bought from other sources (eg: the suppression/casualty markers, where many types of acrylic tokens are readily available) - the tokens in this new set are those which are the most specific to the GZG "FMA System" games. If these are as well received as I hope they will be, then there is a strong possibility of me getting further sets done with some of the other useful tokens/markers from the games (which is why I've optimistically coded this set as "Set A") - if you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to drop me (Jon) an email at the usual contact address.

The new Token Sets and the re-stocked FT Arc Rings can all be found on the "Dice, Counters and Rules Accessories" page, here: link

Jon (GZG), Wednesday 8th May 2024


VAT DE-REGISTRATION:Please note that as of the end of September 2023, we are no longer registered for VAT - so for all customers, UK and everywhere else, the price shown on the store will be the price you pay for any item.

This doesn’t really affect very much, as (like most of us) I very seldom get any communications sent by normal post anymore - but please note that if you DO need to send anything to GZG by mail, I have now DISCONTINUED the use of the PO BOX address - mainly because I was paying Royal Mail a lot for a service that received less than a dozen letters a year…
Any items sent by post should be addressed to:

This address should be used for POSTAL CORRESPONDENCE ONLY, it is a private house address and NOT a business unit or retail premises.



I have just (as of 30th Jan '24) made some experimental changes to some of the shipping/postal rates, particularly for US customers, which will hopefully better reflect the actual costs incurred (and thus reduce the need for after-shipping refunds of over-estimated shipping costs); it may take a little while to see how these changes work out, in the meantime please rest assured that any significant excess will still be refunded as explained below!


In July 2020 the postal costs for certain sizes of items sent to the US suddenly increased enormously, and I had to instigate new shipping charge rates for all US orders to ensure that the costs were covered; since then I have got a better feel for the way the new cost structure works, and MOST smaller orders can be shipped by the cheaper “Large Letter” rates as long as they are below 750g. Wherever possible, I am using parcel courier services (FedEx or others) for any larger orders.

If you are a US customer, when you place a smallish order the shipping charge added by the store may look excessive at first - but this is only to ensure that all eventualities are covered; in the vast majority of cases I will be able to REFUND a significant part of the charge after completion of the order, so that the final amount you pay will be much more reasonable; the very few exceptions will be orders which are very heavy for their value, for example an order containing nothing but 15mm vehicles or larger Starships with no smaller items to balance the cost-to-weight ratio.
Larger orders (usually those of around 50-60 GBP value and above) will usually be shipped by parcel courier rather than via the postal services.

So, please don't panic about the initial size of the shipping cost on smaller US orders, you will almost always get part of it refunded; feel free to email me (Jon) and ask for further information.

If you’re not in the USA, then none of the changes affect you - shipping to all other destinations (including Canada) is currently unchanged.


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