Combat Babes

  • CB-01

    Sniper, firing from shoulder, bareheaded helmet on ground at her feet.



  • CB-02

    Girl Trooper in helmet, firing autorifle from hip.



  • CB-03

    Advancing, firing autorifle in helmet.



  • CB-04

    Close-Combat specalist with helmet, heavy pistol and combat knife Sheathed.



  • CB-05

    Adventuress standing, with autoshotgun.



  • CB-06

    Adventuress standing, with heavy pistol.



  • CB-07

    Girl Heavy Weapons Trooper with machinegun, firing, bareheaded.



  • CB-08

    Adventuress in light armour suit, holding helmet, standing with Gunblade.



  • CB-09

    Girl Trooper/Leader with Shotgun/Grenade Launcher, pointing.



  • CB-10

    As CB8 but with Gunblade raised, wearing helmet.



  • CB-11

    Girl Trooper firing heavy pistol.



  • CB-12

    Adventuress standing, holding pump-action shotgun.


