New Anglian Confederation (NAC)

  • SG15-A24

    SG15-A24    NAC "Cataphract" Heavy Power Armour:  6 figures with separate backpacks and arms/weapons; pack contains …



  • V15-94A

    NAC "Halftrike" light load carrier, supplied with driver, gunner and two alternative weapons.  



  • SG15-A23

    NAC Power Armour (new sculpt) Support Weapon Troopers   2 each of 3 different figures, with rotary autocannon, HAMR a…



  • SG15-A32

    NAC Casualties Pack consists of 9 figures, in a random assortment from three different dead or unconscious NAC casualti…



  • SG15-A31

    NAC Medics and Wounded Pack consists of 6 x single figures and 2 x 2-figure castings; 2 each of: running medic carry…



  • SG15-A22

    NAC Power Armour with hand weapons. 6  figures (3 each of two poses) with hand weapons, supplied with separate (option…



  • SG15-A21

    NAC Assault Power Armour pack A (6 figures)                                      A…



  • SG15-A01

    NAC Royal Marines in helmets (8 figs)



  • SG15-A02

    NAC Royal Marines - berets etc (8 figs)



  • SG15-A03

    NAC POWER ARMOUR (6 figs)



  • SG15-A04

    Gurkha Infantry (8 figs, all in bush hats)



  • SG15-A05

    NAC infantry, prone and kneeling (8 figs)


